Streaming for the masses with FlinkSQL
Őrhidi Mátyás and Balassi Márton, Cloudera
Big data stream processing is growing in popularity with industry giants like Netflix, Uber and Alibaba choosing Flink as their core engine of choice.
This talk discusses a couple key patterns from these large scale architectures, then dives into one of the keys of their success: exposing the functionality of Flink to a wider audience within the organization via SQL, its benefits and challenges.
About the speakers
Őrhidi Mátyás has been working at Cloudera and assisting customers on their big data journey since 2016. After being a member of the Support, then the Professional Services organizations he has joined Engineering as a founding member of the Cloudera Flink team. He focuses on end-to-end customer experience including security and operations.
Balassi Márton is an Apache Flink PMC member and one of the first contributors to the Flink Streaming API. He has driven big data adoption at around 50 customers as a Solutions Architect at Cloudera during his previous role. For the past 2 years he is the manager of the Streaming Analytics team and focuses on growing Flink on the Cloudera platform.
Szekciók: Enterprise Data · Startup Data · Data Platform