The Budapest Data Forum is the longest-running vendor-independent data and analytics conference in Hungary with several data-related tracks.
This year the conference will run as a hybrid event, with both online and in-person elements. Read more here.
Our data warehousing track covers the important elements of a modern, agile data data platform: Data modeling, data integration, data transformation, data quality and data governance using either on-premise or cloud-based platforms.
The Big Data and Streaming Data tracks contains tech-focused presentations on architectures, tools and best practices and case studies from end-user companies.
The Data Science track focuses on creating, testing and deploying data science and machine learning models.
The Data-driven business track features talks on how to use data for actual business benefits, create and support a data-driven culture, develop data literacy skill and build a data community
"I have to congratulate you on organizing such an outstanding event. It was professionally held and very informative.”
"Well-organized conference, really enjoyed myself. Budapest is lovely and the atmosphere was great!"
Hungarian track
Adattárház CloudEnglish track
Big DataMetadata SuperSession
Metadata management with AmundsenOpen Session,Please click this link to join the webinar (Passcode: 169820)
Senior Researcher, CWI Database Architectures Group
Dodging the cost of scalability in data analysis with CPU efficiency
Director of Engineering, Cloudera
On-prem Machine Learning and Analytics with CDP Private Cloud